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Stories help bring life into focus.

      On the calm, pristine waters of an Alaskan lake, I journeyed in a kayak for the first time. This adventuresome recreational activity had always intrigued me, and my new husband’s passion for it increased the appeal. Yet, as I took that first wobbly step into the unstable vessel and then situated myself in this plastic float inches above the cold waters, I quickly questioned my decision. My capabilities (or lack thereof) were forefront in my mind – my physical fitness level was limited, my paddling skills were non-existent, and my release skills and swimming abilities were basic at best should I capsize (though the life-vest offered reassurance). 

        After a basic lesson on posturing and paddling, I made forward motion.  With each stride, I gained skill and confidence. As the double-bladed paddle rotated a pull through the water, I settled into a rhythm and discovered a new natural ability.  Humbled by the vastness of the water encircling me and the rough trees and rugged mountains surrounding the horizon, I became keenly aware of my smallness steering this one-person watercraft. Yet, peace settled in my spirit. Gliding across these uncharted waters in my life enlivened a new sense of freedom to explore beyond my comfort zone. The satisfaction of accomplishment I experienced that day birthed a desire to test the unknown in other areas of my life as well. 

        Every time I settle into the familiar seat of a kayak and firmly grasp the paddle in my hands, the accompanying feelings of strength, drive, and freedom to chart my own course, well up from the depth of my being.  Powerful and effective coaching can stir these same invigorating emotions in you - courage to test the waters, perseverance to overcome obstacles, and confidence that ultimately propels you forward.

My Story

Are you ready to make Forward Motion in your life?

—  J.M., Registered Nurse

"Susan expertly coached me through a difficult situation in my committed relationship. I felt painfully confused about how or whether to continue in the relationship. After our session I had clarity about my feelings and goals. I came away with specific actions to help me determine if the relationship was aligning with my heart and values, which helped me move forward with greater confidence and peace."


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